Queen of Trades; Travel and Photography- Category [Poems and Stories]

Sometimes I fantasize myself living in a different time. A time that would have accepted who I am inside. I love to travel; I love hiking, camping, running, horseback riding, photography, and so much more. I’m so open and honest. I live in the moment and I don’t let people dictate how to live my life. I am my own ruler and I know that I will make something of myself. The time I imagine isn’t here yet, its just on the edge of being an excepting world that I want. It just doesn’t have that ability to be so open to the life I imagine.
Right now we’re in a world where being yourself isn’t what people want. Employers want loyal people who will work 40 + hours just to make rent. Employers want to be able to control your life to tell you when you can or can’t work and when you can or can’t go do something you’ve been planning for forever. Employers don’t understand that you want to make the money but not sell your life away.

Recently I had a reality check instilled in my brain. A company that prides itself on team member happiness. A company that finds a way to say yes to every customer. A company that brags that they are so wonderful and amazing. I learned that just because a company sells those things doesn’t mean its real. It’s almost like a mask over the truth. You work so hard and you don’t get any words of appreciation. You work and work and work so much that you don’t have time for yourself. You don’t have a life but the managers do. They schedule you for the times that you don’t want or you have to tell them repeatedly that those hours are just not going to work out. It’s like your become a broken record and they have just muted you so they can pretend they heard you but really didn’t.

I take pride in how I do in life. I take pride that I travel when I work so much, all the time. I take pride in being myself and being so controlled but it’s so hard when you have someone treating you like you are so easy to throw away. One little misstep with a customer and you’re out the door or they make you look like a fool when you have to call someone higher up. No defense. No, “yes she is correct for the most part but…blah blah blah”. It’s a world filled with struggles and difficult times. It’s a world where I can’t even get a job that allows me to travel and do what I love without the expense of spending $20,000 a year to a college that I don’t even want to attend.

Sometimes I wish that life were easier and I could have everything I wanted. I wish that I didn’t have my brain programmed to the point of no turning back. Every day is a new lesson. Every day is a new turn of events. Every day is something new and I am just trying my best to make things happen and be myself. Don’t let companies you work for change who you are and stop you from doing what you want to do. Take that time off. Travel the world little by little. See new things. Meet new people. Visit old friends that have moved. Don’t stop and don’t be defeated.

Stand Tall and keep moving, eventually you will be who you desire to be and you will fufill your wishes. If you want it bad enough, it will happen. Even if the world isn’t ready that doesn’t mean you don’t have to be. One little change can cause others to follow you.

Be that person. Be that change. Make the world how you want it to be.

This art piece that is for sale for $30! If anyone is interested you can shoot me a message on my Facebook which is linked on this page! Thanks for all the support guys and I hope you will continue to watch my videos and read my blog! Have a wonderful Day! 

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